submitted by Riovoip0411
Voice over Internet
Protocol (VoIP), is a technology that allows you
to make telephone calls using a broadband
Internet connection instead of a regular (or
analog) phone line.
You need:
* An Internet connection
* An Analog Telephone Adapter
(ATA) for your traditional phone
or a new IP Phone
* Virtual phone number (DID)
follows you wherever you go.
(ATA) adapter works with any
normal touch-tone phone, corded
or cordless. You can even use
your computer via a SoftPhone.
Whenever you move, near or far,
your number will follow you.
However, you now can call any
phone, anywhere. The person you
choose to call does not need to
have a VoIP providers
account or even an Internet
connection. They just receive the
call normally, but you are saving
You have several options for your meeting, and
they are not all high-tech.
Free internet phone call
1- Sign up a free account with Free World Dialup
or SIPphone .
2- Buy IP Phone or headset .
3- Get a free DID from
(Washington state phone number) or StanaPhone
(New York phone number) for receive incoming calls from any
normal or mobile phones
Calling out to the traditional telephone network is not free,
(FWD) or SIPphone offer calling to toll-free 800 number service
in USA and Canada. So, you can buy a calling card with 800
number connection service for your outbound calls.
Alternatively, you can buy pre-paid SkypeOut or Gizmo Project
CallOut services to make all outbound calls.
Voip phone service: Conference call
The easiest option to start with is
telephones for a conference call. Technical
requirements are simple: youll need a
telephone at each location, and a speaker phone
if more than one person is at that location.
Youll be able to hear each other, but you
wont be able to see their face, body
language, or how they are referring to written
material. A three-way call capability is
available on all telephones . For more than three
participants,Telecoms Conference Call
Center Services offer several scheduling options.
Voice over Internet Protocol
offers the capability to transmit voice
communications over the Internet, employing a
variety of end user devices. In most cases, VoIP
services convert the analog voice from a
telephone (using an adapter between the telephone
andthe Internet connection) into digital signals
that travel as packets over the Internet thenare
converted back to analog voice at the receiving
end. When placing a VoIP call using a phone with
an adapter, a consumer hears a regular dial tone
and can dial traditional phonenumbers. Other VoIP
phone services allow calls directly from a
computer, either to a network ofcommon service
subscribers or to any telephone number. True VoIP
requires the customer to have a broadband
connection, such as cable modem or DSL. This technology is used
by all the voip phone service companies in order
to offer good and cheap phone call.
See more Voip phone resources in
Conference call services